Diet Tips For Parents If Your Teenaged Son Or Daughter is Addicted To Nicotine.
At this tender teenaged age if your loved one develops the habit of smoking cigarettes , smoking shisha or for that matter consume tobacco in any form then it is very difficult for the parent to see the health and concentration of
How Smoking Affects the Way You Look
Tobacco smoking seriously affects internal organs, particularly the heart and lungs, but it also affects a person’s appearance. While these changes are generally not as life threatening as heart and lung disease, they can, nevertheless
Never too Late to Quit Shisha Smoking
Most shisha smokers do believe that the harm inflicted to their bodies from smoking can never be undone even if they decide to clean up their act. As a result, they will end up even more addicted to the habit. But is it really too late for them to quit shisha smoking?
6 Ways on How to Deal with Smoking Shisha Withdrawal
The hardest thing about quitting smoking Shisha is the withdrawal. Whether it’s the temporary physical withdrawal that subsides within days or the emotional withdrawal that can linger for months, we must find ways to address it without constant relapse.